Robin invested in convenient ground source heating

Robin invested in convenient ground source heating


Robin Linnér grew up in the countryside with forest all around, and he is used to wood-fired boilers. His present house is also located in the forest. But for his new home he chose ground source heating from CTC.

>> Read more here about CTC's ground source heat pumps, using borehole, horizontal ground or water collectors.

The house is nearly finished after two years of hard work. Robin Linnér and his partner Isabelle Andersson have recently moved into the house, located in a clearing in the forest in Småland, Sweden.

"I first considered having a wood-fired boiler, at the very least as a supplement to a heat pump. Old habits die hard", says Robin.

Easy life with ground source heating

The forest has provided heating for his family for decades. But that has now come to an end. Not only Robin invested in a heat pump from CTC, his parents have done the same on their farm next door.

"We chose ground source heating because it is so convenient. Wood has to be chopped, dried and split, but a heat pump takes care of itself," says Robin, who works as an electrician.

The final details for the house

The heat pump, a CTC GSi, has run for eleven months without any problems.
"Not a single error code. It just keeps running. I am very happy with my choice", he says.
Now he and his partner can focus on the final details of their house, including installing a sauna.
"We've spent many many hours on this. But now it will soon be ready. It feels great."

Many benefits 

A ground source heat pump with horizontal ground collectors heats a house or property by utilising solar heat stored in the ground. This kind of ground source heating has many advantages. As well as being an environmentally friendly heating method, it's safe and efficient, and eliminates the need for a borehole in your garden.

Instead, a collector pipe is laid in the ground at a depth of one metre. The required length of the collector loop depends on the size and location of the house. Around 200 to 500 metres is normal.


Robin Linnér and Isabelle Andersson live in the countryside outside Ljungby in Småland, Swe-den.

They have plenty of land and for this reason they chose horizontal ground source heating. The collector pipe is buried in farmland just a stone's throw away from the house.

They chose to invest in a CTC GSi 12. It has variable speed, which means it automatically adapts to the house's varying power requirements during the year.

CTC GSi has a seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP) of 5.5, which means that it provides more than five times as much energy as it consumes in a year.