Anders is done with firewood

Anders is done with firewood


The woodburning boiler in the basement was a faithful companion. But Anders finally gave up on the firewood and installed a modern ground source heat pump instead. 

– I can miss the forest, but I do not miss the wood burning. Good to be rid of that, he says.

Truck driver Anders Johnsson in Forserum, Småland, Sweden, likes the outdoors and his walks in the forest. Bringing in the firewood meant a lot of fresh air and good exercise for him.
But it was also time consuming, and feeding the wood burner in the basement was not a nice job. He also had to plan ahead to have heating available when needed, and any trip away meant coming back to a chilled house.

“No need for thinking ahead”
So, after more than two decades of faithful service, the old wood burning boiler went out. In came a ground source heat pump from CTC instead.

– It works really well. It has a low running cost and the indoor climate is much better. It’s nice, clean and looks good. No maintenance and no hassle, says Anders.

Low monthly cost
Even though many “Smålanders” have easy access to firewood – Anders actually got his for free – the use of wood burning boilers is coming to an end. Anders Jonsson has noticed this in the residential area where he lives.

– In the early 90’s when we moved in, almost everyone had a woodburning boiler. Now I think there are only two left.

Anders keeps the heat pump running on its basic program, which functions very well, since the inverter-controlled compressor will automatically adjust to the power requirement in the house.

– The monthly cost is low, says Anders.

Anders Jonsson, 60, lives with his wife in Forserum outside Jönköping, Sweden. For many years, their home was heated by a combi boiler that used wood as its primary source of energy. Anders has spent a good many hours every month collecting wood from the forest, chopping it, drying it and then burning it.

Today, he has a ground source heat pump from CTC – a CTC GSi 12 – which runs happily without any input from Anders. He has also reduced his energy costs and has a more pleasant indoor climate without the mess, soot and insects that came with the wood.