Quality in all stages – the essence of CTC

Quality in all stages – the essence of CTC


At CTC, product quality, operational reliability and customer safety are always top priorities, along with meticulous procedures throughout the production and supply chain. In this blog post we get the lowdown from our Quality and Support Manager, Peter Johansson, who sheds some light on the work.

- The key to producing truly operationally reliable products is to carry out as much quality assurance as possible at an early stage. First and foremost, it is important to work – to the greatest extent possible – with suppliers that are certified according to ISO 9000 and possess the same attitudes to deliveries and quality as CTC. We select suppliers with great care and engage in continuous dialogue with them so as to eliminate any problems. We have worked with many of our suppliers for 40–50 years, says Peter. 

Evaluate and test 

Before CTC begins developing a new product, the company reviews previous projects to determine whether something can be improved on. Project plans are then formulated and risk analyses are conducted to ensure that everything is at full readiness before the start button is pressed. Once production is started, the products will undergo several tests at different test stations. 

- We assemble each product and test it before it is sent out to our customers. This does not only apply to the hardware, we run the product through several cycles to verify that the software functions properly in all modes. At the conclusion of the test, the product receives a serial number which is scanned and saved together with the test results, explains Peter. 

All products are traceable 

When the product is finally sold, the installer links the serial number to the address at which the product is to be installed. Lastly, everything is documented at CTC. 

- We have very good control over all products, which means that manufacturing defects are exceedingly rare. In the unlikely event of a defect, we can serve our customers proactively since we are able to trace all of our products via their serial numbers. 

100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee 

When you buy a heat pump from CTC, you will be afforded what we call our 100% Satisfied Customer Guarantee. This means that if, however unlikely, the functionality of your heat pump does not meet your expectations, the purchase can be cancelled within 100 days of the final installation date, provided the heat pump was purchased from and installed by a CTC-approved and certified HVAC installer.